Making Strides in Alaska!

Last Updated: December 9, 2016

A bill that Yoga Alliance® supports, SB 190, is moving quickly through the Alaska legislature! It would exempt yoga teacher training programs (YTTs) from burdensome regulation by the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education (ACPE). The bill, introduced by Sen. Lesil McGuire, passed through the Senate Education Committee yesterday without opposition! We’re excited about this important step and are looking forward to working with Alaska’s legislators to keep making progress.

The Alaska House of Representatives is also considering legislation to exempt YTTs from ACPE regulation; HB 305 was introduced by Rep. Lynn Gattis and co-sponsored by Rep. Cathy Munoz. A hearing is expected in the House Education Committee soon. Yoga Alliance proudly supports the important legislation being considered in the Alaska Senate and House, and we applaud the legislators for their support of the Alaska yoga community.

As we keep working to protect Alaska’s YTTs, we’ll be sure to keep you updated on next steps and ways to get involved. We want to extend a big thank you to all of the Alaska yogis who have already reached out to support this effort.

We’re proud to work on your behalf to protect our yoga community. If you have further questions please contact us at or call us at 888-921-9642.

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