Scientific Research on Yoga

Main Research Categories

Substantial research has been done on many of the populations and parts of the body that COVID-19 preys on most. Use this section of Yoga Alliance's website to learn more about scientific research on the effects of yoga on the elderly, respiratory function, anxiety, and depression, to name a few.

Perhaps more than ever, yoga is being widely studied and evaluated for its positive effects and benefits. At Yoga Alliance, we curate the latest and most relevant research on yoga’s applications in health, wellness, and disease. We have filtered it in a digestible manner for our Registered Yoga Schools and Registered Yoga Teachers as well as for the broader yoga community.

This evidence-based research not only reveals the science of yoga, it also explains its therapeutic efficacy when used in conjunction with conventional medicine. Our goal is that this impactful content will be utilized in a way that highlights even more of yoga’s ancient, multi-faceted ability to improve lives.

Our Research Conversation

Our Director of Yoga Research

Our Director of Yoga Research Dr. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa is a renowned yoga research expert and yoga teacher who has committed his professional life to clinical research surrounding yoga’s full spectrum of healing efficacy.

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Yoga Research Videos

View a collection of brief videos briefly summarizing yoga research on a variety of specific topics, conditions and populations. These are easy to understand for non-scientists and convey many of the scientific principles and rationale in key studies showing yoga’s benefits.

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Yoga Research Webinars

View upcoming and previous yoga research webinars on a variety of topics hosted by Kim Weeks. Sessions include a brief lecture by Dr. Khalsa summarizing the research and evidence in easy-to-understand language followed by questions and answers from the attendees.

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