Scientific Research on Yoga > Basic Research > Yoga in Society

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Yoga in Society Prevalence of Practice, Demographics and Characteristics, Reasons for Practice, Barriers to Practice, Practice Frequency, Styles of Yoga, Adverse Events, Public and Practitioner Perceptions of Yoga

Video Spotlight: Yoga and Society

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These citations were curated by Yoga Alliance's Director of Yoga Research, Dr. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa.

Notable Publications (What's this?)

Use of Yoga, Meditation, and Chiropractors Among U.S. Adults Aged 18 and Over.
Clarke TC, Barnes PM, Black LI, Stussman BJ, Nahin RL.
NCHS Data Brief. 2018 Nov;(325):1-8.
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Yoga and body image: Findings from a large population-based study of young adults.
Neumark-Sztainer D, MacLehose RF, Watts AW, Pacanowski CR, Eisenberg ME.
Body Image. 2018 Mar;24:69-75.
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Downward dog becomes fit body, inc.: A content analysis of 40 years of female cover images of Yoga Journal.
Webb JB, Vinoski ER, Warren-Findlow J, Burrell MI, Putz DY.
Body Image. 2017 Sep;22:129-135.
[ abstract ]

Characteristics of Yoga Practitioners, Motivators, and Yoga Techniques of Choice: A Cross-sectional Study.
Telles S, Sharma SK, Singh N, Balkrishna A.
Front Public Health. 2017 Jul 27;5:184.
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Is the "Yoga Bod" the new skinny?: A comparative content analysis of mainstream yoga lifestyle magazine covers.
Webb JB, Vinoski ER, Warren-Findlow J, Padro MP, Burris EN, Suddreth EM.
Body Image. 2017 Mar;20:87-98.
[ abstract ]

Why practice yoga? Practitioners' motivations for adopting and maintaining yoga practice.
Park CL, Riley KE, Bedesin E, Stewart VM.
J Health Psychol. 2016 Jun;21(6):887-96.
[ abstract ]

Practitioners' perceptions of yoga's positive and negative effects: Results of a National United States survey.
Park CL, Riley KE, Braun TD.
J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2016 Apr;20(2):270-9.
[ abstract ]

Prevalence, Patterns, and Predictors of Yoga Use: Results of a U.S. Nationally Representative Survey.
Cramer H, Ward L, Steel A, Lauche R, Dobos G, Zhang Y.
Am J Prev Med. 2016 Feb;50(2):230-5.
[ abstract ]

Improving access to yoga: barriers to and motivators for practice among health professions students.
Brems C, Justice L, Sulenes K, Girasa L, Ray J, Davis M, Freitas J, Shean M, Colgan D.
Adv Mind Body Med. 2015 Summer;29(3):6-13.
[ abstract ]

A large-scale survey of adverse events experienced in yoga classes.
Matsushita T, Oka T.
Biopsychosoc Med. 2015 Mar 18;9:9.
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Engagement in mindfulness practices by U.S. adults: sociodemographic barriers.
Olano HA, Kachan D, Tannenbaum SL, Mehta A, Annane D, Lee DJ.
J Altern Complement Med. 2015 Feb;21(2):100-2. doi: 10.1089/acm.2014.0269.
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Yoga practice in England 1997-2008: prevalence, temporal trends, and correlates of participation.
Ding D, Stamatakis E.
BMC Res Notes. 2014 Mar 24;7:172.
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Yoga in the Real World: Perceptions, Motivators, Barriers, and patterns of Use.
Quilty MT, Saper RB, Goldstein R, Khalsa SB.
Glob Adv Health Med. 2013 Jan;2(1):44-9.
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Yoga in Australia: Results of a national survey.
Penman S, Cohen M, Stevens P, Jackson S.
Int J Yoga. 2012 Jul;5(2):92-101.
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