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Kat Kelly

just plain yoga studio, Market Street, Lemoyne, PA, USA

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About Kat Kelly

16 years ago, Kat began attending weekly yoga classes which quickly became a priority in her weekly schedule. The health benefits for the physical, mental and spiritual body made her a believer in the science based results of yoga practice. Yoga brought her a sense of...

16 years ago, Kat began attending weekly yoga classes which quickly became a priority in her weekly schedule. The health benefits for the physical, mental and spiritual body made her a believer in the science based results of yoga practice. Yoga brought her a sense of balance, increased focus and calm. Partial retirement from her career as an early childhood speech therapist allowed her to deepen her yoga practice. Through study and participation in a 200 hour yoga teacher training with Tina Stroh, Director/Founder of Just Plain Yoga, Camp Hill, PA, she began the preparations for sharing yoga with others. She then completed a Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher Training (RCYT) with a trauma informed focus through Yoga.Ed. Currently, she is compiling teaching hours with children to finalize her RCYT designation through Yoga Alliance. It’s been a blessing for her to privately teach gentle yoga for beginners and now also shares the joy of yoga with little ones at day care programs for Peaceful Poses Kids Yoga, Ann Fields, Founder/Director, Camp Hill, PA.

First Registered April 2021

Teaching Experience


Peaceful Poses Kids Yoga

June 2022 - Current
First Registered April 2021