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based on 5 reviews

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By Mickenzie Johnson

Aug 09, 2022


By Om A Zen Yoga

Mar 01, 2021

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First Verified Aug 2016

First Registered Jun 2005 Teacher Profile

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About Deborah Testa Bennett

Deborah Bennett has been a practitioner of yoga for over 40 years.  She received her training in the integral yoga and Vini yoga traditions. She has also studied Surat Shabd Yoga under Master teacher Darshan Singh and the living Master teacher Rajinder Singh for 37 years.  Debbie teaches full spectrum yoga, all 8 limbs.  Her specialty is using the peace practices and relaxation techniques of yoga to help a student relax into deepening the yoga asanas and not force.  Meditation is also her specialty.  Jyoti Meditation.  Meditation on inner light and sound as taught by Rajinder Singh.  Debbie teaches yoga courses at Germanna Community College and is the lead trainer for the 200 and 300-hour program at   Me Institute in Fredericksburg Virginia.  Deborah developed and is now the lead trainer for children's yoga teachers at Transform Me Institute as well.  Debbie developed a unique curriculum in which training children's yoga teachers can learn how to teach full spectrum yoga to children appropriately at all ages and stages of development. This includes asana, pranayama, meditation and develops love in the children for leading an ethical life.